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Features of EasyiiCMS

A new version of OpenSource Yii 2.0 based CMS called EasyiiCMS was released. It got the means to get a simple shop up and running, better management UI, simpler extensions support, email alerts and tons of fixes. CMS is still in development so expect breaking changes. If it's the first time you've heard about it, check the demo.

Features of EasyiiCMS 

  1. The rapid development of a simple website (landing, presentation) using an internal API.
  2. Live editable content, so even the most low experienced customer can manage his website.
  3. Very simple and pleasant UI of control panel.
  4. Treeview categories in the catalog, articles and gallery.
  5. Shopcart module. Now you can build a simple shop.
  6. Filters by additional fields in the catalog.
  7. The ease modules extending. Choose an easyii module that is similar to what you need and copy it into the app folder with only 3 clicks.
  8. Added tags to news and articles.
  9. Integration of a datetimepicker and now the most entities are sorted by date
  10. Text - simple text blocks.
  11. Page - single pages with title and html text.
  12. Faq - frequently asked questions and answers.
  13. News - news with tags and photos.
  14. Catalog - catalog of any goods with custom fields.
  15. Shopcart - use it to create simple shop on your website.
  16. Gallery - photo gallery with categories.
  17. Article - similar to news, but with categories.
  18. Guestbook - testimonials with answers from administration.
  19. File - file downloads.
  20. Carousel - easy set carousel widget.
  21. Feedback - form on your contact page.
  22. Subscribe - form to add subscribers and sending E-mail messages from control panel.


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